Businesses of all sizes and across all sectors are turning to Microsoft 365 for the productivity-boosting benefits it offers. Many also choose the subscription service for its robust security features designed to safeguard against cyberthreats of all kinds.
Microsoft 365 data loss protection: A quick and easy guide
Tips to avoid common browser security dangers
Being tricked into visiting malicious websites and getting your computer infected with malware is not the only way your business data can get compromised. By browsing the net without using security measures, your computers and data could get into trouble.
Here are 5 mistakes to avoid when investing in IT
Investing in new IT solutions can make your team more productive, ensure compliance with industry regulations, and improve the outputs you deliver to your customers, among other outcomes. But if you really want to maximize the returns you gain from any new tech investments, make sure to avoid these common mistakes.
Don’t be a victim of watering hole attacks
With cybercriminals continuously developing new ways to infiltrate networks and steal user data, it is more crucial than ever to stay one step ahead of these perpetrators. Protect yourself from one of the most common methods that cybercriminals use to inject malware into computers: watering hole attacks.
3 Simple tips for thwarting cybercriminals
Advances in technology have made life easier but have also enabled cybercriminals to improve their techniques. This can be a big blow to small-business owners who often take data security for granted. To keep your business safe, follow these simple tips.
PowerPoint Presenter Coach: Now greater availability & power
Launched in 2019, Presenter Coach has helped PowerPoint users become more confident in-person and on-camera presenters. It utilizes artificial intelligence to provide users with suggestions on how to improve their pitch, pacing, and word choice, among many others.
Cloud-based ERP and its benefits
Using the cloud is so common these days that most small- and mid-sized businesses (SMBs) have at least one cloud service supporting their operations. An increasingly popular cloud-based service is enterprise resource planning (ERP). But what is it? And what are the advantages of using a cloud-based ERP solution? Here’s a quick and informative overview.
Streamline your eCommerce business with a cloud-based OMS
If you’re looking for ways to optimize your eCommerce business’s operations, you should definitely consider deploying a cloud-based order management system (OMS). This article will help you learn more about the business benefits of an OMS.
First off, we need to clarify that an inventory management system is not the same as an order management system.
These 5 types of hackers are a threat to SMBs
Malicious hackers are motivated by different things. Some do it for fun, some want money, and others just want to end your business. Getting to know how they behave and what drives them informs how you must defend your organization against them.
Script kiddies
In terms of skill, script kiddies (or skids, for short) are at the bottom of the hacker totem pole.